About Us

Surrey Therapies is a multidisciplinary team consisting of a Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist and a Lead Psychologist who have both worked in the field of Learning Disabilities and Autism across the age ranges for a number of years, as well as working with individuals in more mainstream settings. We currently offer cognitive, psychological, language and speech assessments. Polly and Gail are also both accredited Autism diagnostic assessors, trained under the Lorna Wing Centre for Autism, offering a detailed diagnostic assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Evidence based individually tailored Speech and Language Therapy and Psychological Therapeutic Interventions are also offered.

Polly (BSc (hons), RCSLT, HCPC) is a fully qualified Speech and Language Therapist, and has been working for over 10 years. During that time, Polly has gained vast experience working within the NHS and private sector. Polly is experienced in working with both children and adults of all ages and with a variety of communication needs including speech sound delay and disorder, language delay and disorder and social communication difficulties. She is also experienced in working with children with Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and has clinical expertise in the area of Autism. Polly has worked in a variety of settings, including community clinics, mainstream and special schools, specialist units, individual's homes and residential settings. Polly is experienced in working with a range of other professionals, and has lead Speech and Language Therapy teams, both within the NHS and in specialist school settings. Polly is experienced in offering training to both parents and education teams. Polly is passionate about remaining up to date with current research and practice in order to ensure she offers the best therapy. Polly attends regular supervision and Speech and Language Therapy clinical excellent networks, as well as additional training as appropriate. Some of Polly's relevant training includes; the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO), Attention Autism, Intensive Interaction, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Team Teach behaviour support, The SCERTS Framework, Autism Education Trust Framework, Derbyshire Language Scheme, Makaton signing levels 1 - 8, and regular safeguarding training. 

Gail (HCPC, BPS) is a registered 'Practitioner Psychologist' with both the HCPC and British Psychological Society (BPS) and has over fifteen years experience of working with children, adolescents and adults with a variety of developmental disorders, in particular Autism, other neurodevelopmental conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Learning Disabilities. Gail has a special interest in Autism and has vast experience of working in the NHS, Local Authority as well as in the private sector.  Gail is particularly interested in working therapeutically with a variety of problems which can affect individuals with Autism such depression, anxiety, stress (including workplace difficulties), relationship difficulties and managing diagnosis.  Gail currently offers expert witness work specialising in Autism and Learning Disabilities. Gail is passionate about remaining up to date with current research and practice in order to ensure she offers the best input for all individuals she works with. Gail attends regular training and maintains her CPD as required by the HCPC. Some of her relevant training includes; the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO), Positive Behavioural Support, Attachment Based Therapy, Post Graduate Diploma in Systemic Family Therapy, Intensive Interaction, Doctoral Clinical Psychology Supervisors Training, Safeguarding training.